Saturday, 5 December 2009

The last weekend of term

Fox house split into two parties today, with some of our seniors going on a shopping expedition to Leeds, followed by a meal in Maxi's. Many thanks to Robert Sandercock and Sarah Mallinson for leading that. The balance of twenty three other members of the house chose not to go on the Leeds trip, but instead went out for a meal together at a local curry house. Well done to everyone who managed to finish their vindaloos! There were some pretty red faces by the end, but not a scrap of food was wasted.

Tomorrow, we have the meeting in York Minster Crypt to look forward to, mince pies and hot chocolate in the committee room, and Carols by Candlelight in the school hall. It's a busy life at Bootham at the best of times, but this week will be a lot busier than most!

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Christmas @ Evelyn House

The Christmas tree and associated decorations came out of storage and were decorated by the boys at Evelyn, to the sound of the usual Christmas songs from that CD that has to be played, by order of the memsaab (Sandy Gordhandas), when the tree is decorated. After a little guidance the decorations were taken off Jamie and put on the tree!

We had no star for the tree so Suzie came to the rescue with a tebby bear with was christmas-fied.

Once the decorations were finished then there was the usual family photograph of everyone in front of the x-mas tree. The evening was finished off with mice pies and hot chocolate.

Here are two short videos of the evening in glorious technicolour!

Happy Blogging until next time!

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Christmas comes to Rowntree

It is that time of year again. It may only be November but with only 2 weeks of term to go,  the Rowntree Christmas tree has been brought down from the attic. A Cd player was found ( not an easy feat amongst the Ipod generation) and the Christmas tunes played as the girls decorated the tree.


QUAKERS believe that we should "walk cheerfully over the world, answering that of God in everyone"

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Tuesday, 24 November 2009

It's the end of the world as we know it.

So, who'd have thought it? The Mayans had it right all along. This Sunday, the whole of Fox went along to see the latest blockbuster 2012, in which the end of the world happens because the Sun manages to microwave the Earth's crust or something. Tremendous special effects, a witty and lively performance from John Cusak, and a not half-bad ending. Here, two boys can be seen making preparations on their return from a hair-raising evening...

Friday, 20 November 2009

Leave Weekend (Evelyn House)

Wishing all Evelyn boarders a safe journey to home or host families. Enjoy the weekend after exam week.

We look forward to receiving you back on Sunday night with your batteries recharged!
In addition to last term's successful Ghost Walk, Halloween antics, strat of the climbing club with Robert and Bowling (see pic) we res grads have been busy again taking trips here and there this half term. Firstly we started with a bang, quite literally, with the fireworks party; which I personally hope will become an annual Bootham boarding event as it was so much fun for the children and grown-ups alike! Since then Lynn and I have taken an enthusastic group of Rowntree College girls late night shopping in town. We saw some lovely light displays, an ice angel, bought some interesting bits and bobs and most importantly had a dance in St Helen's square to the sounds of a brass band playing Christmas Carols (to the embarrassment of one or two!) Next up there will be a trip to see Twlight: New Moon, which has already proved to be a crowd pleaser :) and Robert Hudson is kindly taking some of the boys to see York City play!

That is all for now but we will keep you posted....


Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Talent, The Musical

Congratulations to Beth Brown, Charlotte Noon, Charlotte Levesley and of course to everyone involved in the musical last night. Those from Rowntree who went to support their fellow boarders were very complimentary about the excellent performance on the opening night. The Campbell family ( minus Murphy) and the Schoolroom girls will be there to offer our support this evening. Well done!

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

New addition to the Evelyn Family

Dominic McGregor is spending the week with us in Evelyn House. He has already been welcomed into the the house meetings. We wish him a lovely week!

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Benedict Tang - pizza king!!

Saturday in Fox again! This evening we made up a huge batch of pizza dough, and let people put on any toppings they could invent from a bag of goodies. End result? masses of hot, delicious freshly baked pizza, and all for considerably less than just one large pizza from a certain well-known delivery chain. I hope that the boys will remember than economy and quality can often go hand-in-hand when you cook for yourself...

Bonfire Night!

This Thursday we celebrated Bonfire night in true Bootham style. Events kicked off at 7.00pm in the school dining room with party games for the junior boarders, hosted by our ever-enthusiastic res-grad team. By the time I got to have a look in at 7.30, the rubble of cakes, glo-sticks and party detritus told its own story. Somewhere in the haze, the bedraggled shapes of shell-shocked res grads could be dimly seen, pale faced and ashen in the new dining room lights. By some miracle, the team rallied with astonishing elan and had the room absolutely ship-shape half an hour later. The res grads have my sincerest thanks for what must have been a truly herculean effort.

After this, the boarders trooped off to the new Fox house kitchen, where Kirit Gordhandas, Andy Bell and Elaine Phillips had a seasonal mix of barbequed sausages, toffee apples and hot chocolate ready for all. The French doors of the kitchen made it easy to cater for the entire boarding community, and once the landscaping for the Fox garden is finished, I hope to see many boarders' events here during the year. Kirit and his mobile barbeque system is an asset to the school that can only be appreciated when seen in action, and he already has repeat bookings in his diary.

Once refuelled, everyone moved down to the school pitch, where a crack team of fire-work specialists (Phillip Price, Robert Hudson and I) had been labouring all evening with barely concealed glee at the thought of letting off some promisingly enormous fireworks. There was a brief moment when it looked as if the portfires wouldn't light up, but we soon got past that and quickly had the sky over Bootham filled, if only briefly, with light, noise and excitement.

A fine evening that I hope will linger in the memories of the entire community. Please keep an eye on this post, as I will add 'photos as they are given to me. (MS)

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Halloween comes early to Bootham

Last night the schoolroom boarders enjoyed an evening of early Halloween entertainment as guests of Rowntree House. There were eyeballs to hunt, apples to bob and a strange game imported from Northern Ireland by Lynne Finnegan in which people have to try and trip themselves up with a broom. Students from Fox and Rowntree both sported some interesting and imaginative costumes, and the Fat Rascal recipe from an earlier post was tried out by the Fox middle schoolroom boys as a present for the girls. A comment on these from Edmund Fisher, our Fox house food critic? - "dodgy". You'll be on dough mixing next time Ed.

Towards the end of the evening, Mrs Campbell produced her winning ace, and brought a huge bucket of water into the room for the apple bobbing contest. A surprising number of Bootham students were able to get themselves an apple in the allotted ten seconds. Maybe it's all that talking they do after lights-out. Everyone ended up pretty soaking by the end of this contest - staff included, but we all stayed friends.

Next party - a Bonfire Night celebration in the Fox House garden, (so long as it doesn't rain!!)

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

One night in Evelyn

Ashley Mcvicar (College 1) is staying the night in Evelyn House. He is roommates with Kevin Wang and Lawrence Potter. He attended the evening Evelyn family gathering where he was welcomed into the family and is now busy doing his prep.

A night of study and a good hearty breakfast; what more could a college pupil want?

Sunday, 11 October 2009

It's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses

What a strange sight met the eye of anyone out on Bootham half an hour ago... A bunch of Fox boys, walking home from City Screen cinema at 9.30 in the evening, wearing identical sunglasses. No ordinary sunglasses either, but special 3-D ones, needed to watch the excellent "Up", the latest offering from Pixar. Everyone had a smashing time, and the film is both funny and moving. I'd recommend it to anyone, even if the boys think that Mr Frederickson looks like me (Mike Shaw).

You decide; Mr Frederickson on the right, and Mike Shaw on the left...

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Where there are twins...

And of course it must be Liam Langedijk's birthday too! Liam arrived at this morning's house meeting just in time to get his traditional birthday Fat Rascal while the sparkler was still running. We wish both Liam and his sister many happy returns...

Having found this recipe for Fat Rascals, I think we ought to have a go at making some...

Friday, 9 October 2009

Rowntree birthdays

Finally we have some birthdays in the house. We all wish Nicole (and twin brother Liam in Fox) and Skye very happy 12th birthdays. Nicole will be celebrating with a party at Quasar and Skye is going to the cinema. Enjoy your special days.

Monday, 5 October 2009

New Earswick Meeting welcomes our junior boarders

While the senior end of the school joined Friargate for an excellent meeting full of thought-provoking and heartfelt ministry, our junior boarders went over to the smaller meeting at New Earswick in the north of York. Here, they received a very warm welcome and joined in with a workshop on relationships and communities. Tom Clarke (MSch) volunteered to be the group spokesman, and did a very good job of it. In this picture you can see the group enjoying the autumn Sunday sunshine on a rather nice climbing frame.

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Host Family

Edward Gray's family is hosting WIlliam Griffiths for the weekend. Many thanks to Ed's mum and we hope they enjoy their weekend leave. See you on Sunday.

Monday, 28 September 2009

Happy Birthday Ben!

Ben Wong turned 18 today, and celebrated last night by taking his friends out for an Italian meal. We wish him many happy returns.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Collge1 (Evelyn & Rowntree) BBQ

Evelyn House played host to a College 1 boarders BBQ on Thursday 24Th September 2009. The event was well attended.

A big thank you goes to the Bootham kitchen staff who provided the chicken, burgers, sausages & salad.

There was music provided by Dan Wright with his I-phone acting a remote control!

As a result there have been new friendships made!!!!

The evening was finished off with toasted marshmallows.

The photographs speak for themselves.

At the end of the evening Collge 2 boarders from Fox finished off the remaining food ensuring that there was no waste!!!!!

Good Bye to Dominic Harker

Dominic has enjoyed his week stay with us and like all good things it must come to an end.
He could have signed out for leave BUT on his last night he preferred to do his Physics whilst catching up on Facebook!

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Happy Birthday!

Another two Fox boys celebrate birthdays this week, so congratulations to James Paul and Arthur Mytum!

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Welcome back Louise!

Rowntree is pleased to welcome back Louise Eimermann into Rowntree. Louise left us when her family moved to Switzerland but has returned for College. She joins her sister Laura who is in Lower Senior.

Birthday Boy!! - Jamie Charlton

Jamie is 17 today and everyone in the extended Evelyn family wishes him many happy returns for the day.

Jamie's day was started with cake to mark the occasion.

On his special day Jamie was asked how he wanted to make the day special. What do you think was his request? (See photograph below)

Monday, 21 September 2009

100% in Core 1 Mathematics assessment

Charlie Cheng achieved 100% in his Core 1 AS mathematics assessment that he sat on Saturday BUT he also showed that he was equally talented at out-running a digital camera.

His achievement called for a Kodak moment but as the shutter was pressed he managed to escape as the empty photograph shows.

Anyway, well done Charlie!!!

Homemade Apple Crumble!!!!!!!

Sandy Gordhandas made the boys of Evelyn a homemade apple crumble with apples from Sarah Allan's apple trees. On a technical note the crumble was made from rice flour and was topped with desiccated coconut (Gluten free)

The last of it was polished off by the MOD, Phillip Price and the evidence is here!

Sunday, 20 September 2009

New boarder at Evelyn House (For a week)

A warm welcome will await Dominic Harker when he arrives at Evelyn House to board until the leave weekend. He has already got to know the housemates by visiting Evelyn and having a good look around.

A temporary addition to the Evelyn family!!!

Welcome back William Griffiths

William had weekend leave to stay with a new found friend and his family. He enjoyed a overnight stay where he was made welcome.

Back to the routine of Evelyn House until the next time!!!!

Saturday, 19 September 2009


For anyone who has not yet met me I am this year's 'Super Grad'; Sarah. As such, I co-ordinate the evening and weekend boarding activities. Please check the notice boards and doors in your boarding houses for upcoming trips, events and activities. Myself and the Res Grad team look forward to meeting you all during these times and are always open to activity suggestions.

Hopefully see you all soon,

Saturday night

Saturday night is X Factor night in Rowntree. This evening the girls will be welcome to join the duty staff in the downstairs common room to watch Simon and friends judge the nation's latest batch of singers hoping for a chance of fame. Chocolate and snacks will be provided with a girlie movie to finish the evening.

Happy Birthday to JJ Tam!

Today is JJ's birthday - we hope he has a terrific weekend!

Here are this week's birthday boys - I'm not sure that JJ quite knows what to do with his "fat rascal" cake...

Thursday, 17 September 2009

A new Boarder joins Fox

Welcome to Tom Stabler-Langan (Fox MSch), who has joined the boarding community as a flexiboarder this week!

Happy Birthday Benjamin!

Today is Benjamin Lam's (Fox, USnr) birthday. We wish him the happiest of days and many more to come!

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

First Week in Evelyn House

It is a week to the day when the new housemates moved into Evelyn House and were being shown to their room. In this week the students have settled in quickly and without fuss to live in Evelyn.

The Evelyn family meet twice daily, 8.20am and 6.30pm. The first meeting was quiet but as the days have gone by the boys are now finding their voice.

The first social event has already been planned for the evening of Thursday 24th. of September when the boys will be hosting a BBQ with College 1 boarders from Rowntree House.

The boys have successfully passed their first training course, How to use the Washing Machine. They have the certificate to prove it!

(Above) Yang Nui on his final assessment for the How to use the Washing Machine course!

A new 108Mb ADSL2+ router has been installed in Evelyn and the network has been extended into the coach-house. The wireless range has also been extended. This is a short term measure until the new fibre optic cable is laid linking Evelyn House to the Bootham computer network. The work is imminent.

The below picture was taken today outside of Evelyn House. Is the road being dug up to lay the new cable?

This evening the house filled with the sound of the fire alarm as the practice fire drill took place. All went well and everyone soon returned to what they were doing and some form of peace and tranquility was restored.

Until next time........

Saturday, 12 September 2009

First Leave Weekend coming soon!

For all you new parents, don't forget that there is a leave weekend in just a few weeks! It will start at 4.00pm on Friday evening and goes right through until 5.00pm on Sunday.

The dates of the next few are;

Friday 25th September until Sunday 27th September

and later in the term

Friday 20th November until sunday 22nd November.

During the leave weekends, there is no accommodation available for students in any of the houses, so this is a good opportunity for new students to get to know their guardians, perhaps for the first time. Another alternative is for new students to stay with a recently acquired friend in the wider student body...

Happy New Year!

Yes, it's the start of the academic year, with a brand-new Fox house, new staff in Evelyn and some new resident graduates for Rowntree. As I write, Rowntree are all out on their first house outing of the year - a visit to a Chinese restaurant. Some of the students from Fox have been learning to make bread - with some excellent results! Others have been playing basket ball, or else just settling into their new rooms.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Welcome to Boarding at Bootham

This blog is specifically for parents, old scholars, teachers and current students connected in any way with boarding at Bootham School.

The school website is very formal, and contains most of what you'd need as a normal parent. You should check in there from time to time, to keep up with what's going on in the wider school. This blogsite is much more focused on day-to-day news in the three houses, and isn't meant to be formal at all.

Here, you should be able to find news about what's been happening in the houses, photographs, contact details and anything else we can think of to help you keep in touch.