Thursday, 22 October 2009

Halloween comes early to Bootham

Last night the schoolroom boarders enjoyed an evening of early Halloween entertainment as guests of Rowntree House. There were eyeballs to hunt, apples to bob and a strange game imported from Northern Ireland by Lynne Finnegan in which people have to try and trip themselves up with a broom. Students from Fox and Rowntree both sported some interesting and imaginative costumes, and the Fat Rascal recipe from an earlier post was tried out by the Fox middle schoolroom boys as a present for the girls. A comment on these from Edmund Fisher, our Fox house food critic? - "dodgy". You'll be on dough mixing next time Ed.

Towards the end of the evening, Mrs Campbell produced her winning ace, and brought a huge bucket of water into the room for the apple bobbing contest. A surprising number of Bootham students were able to get themselves an apple in the allotted ten seconds. Maybe it's all that talking they do after lights-out. Everyone ended up pretty soaking by the end of this contest - staff included, but we all stayed friends.

Next party - a Bonfire Night celebration in the Fox House garden, (so long as it doesn't rain!!)

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

One night in Evelyn

Ashley Mcvicar (College 1) is staying the night in Evelyn House. He is roommates with Kevin Wang and Lawrence Potter. He attended the evening Evelyn family gathering where he was welcomed into the family and is now busy doing his prep.

A night of study and a good hearty breakfast; what more could a college pupil want?

Sunday, 11 October 2009

It's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses

What a strange sight met the eye of anyone out on Bootham half an hour ago... A bunch of Fox boys, walking home from City Screen cinema at 9.30 in the evening, wearing identical sunglasses. No ordinary sunglasses either, but special 3-D ones, needed to watch the excellent "Up", the latest offering from Pixar. Everyone had a smashing time, and the film is both funny and moving. I'd recommend it to anyone, even if the boys think that Mr Frederickson looks like me (Mike Shaw).

You decide; Mr Frederickson on the right, and Mike Shaw on the left...

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Where there are twins...

And of course it must be Liam Langedijk's birthday too! Liam arrived at this morning's house meeting just in time to get his traditional birthday Fat Rascal while the sparkler was still running. We wish both Liam and his sister many happy returns...

Having found this recipe for Fat Rascals, I think we ought to have a go at making some...

Friday, 9 October 2009

Rowntree birthdays

Finally we have some birthdays in the house. We all wish Nicole (and twin brother Liam in Fox) and Skye very happy 12th birthdays. Nicole will be celebrating with a party at Quasar and Skye is going to the cinema. Enjoy your special days.

Monday, 5 October 2009

New Earswick Meeting welcomes our junior boarders

While the senior end of the school joined Friargate for an excellent meeting full of thought-provoking and heartfelt ministry, our junior boarders went over to the smaller meeting at New Earswick in the north of York. Here, they received a very warm welcome and joined in with a workshop on relationships and communities. Tom Clarke (MSch) volunteered to be the group spokesman, and did a very good job of it. In this picture you can see the group enjoying the autumn Sunday sunshine on a rather nice climbing frame.

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Host Family

Edward Gray's family is hosting WIlliam Griffiths for the weekend. Many thanks to Ed's mum and we hope they enjoy their weekend leave. See you on Sunday.