Saturday, 28 November 2009

Christmas comes to Rowntree

It is that time of year again. It may only be November but with only 2 weeks of term to go,  the Rowntree Christmas tree has been brought down from the attic. A Cd player was found ( not an easy feat amongst the Ipod generation) and the Christmas tunes played as the girls decorated the tree.


QUAKERS believe that we should "walk cheerfully over the world, answering that of God in everyone"

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Tuesday, 24 November 2009

It's the end of the world as we know it.

So, who'd have thought it? The Mayans had it right all along. This Sunday, the whole of Fox went along to see the latest blockbuster 2012, in which the end of the world happens because the Sun manages to microwave the Earth's crust or something. Tremendous special effects, a witty and lively performance from John Cusak, and a not half-bad ending. Here, two boys can be seen making preparations on their return from a hair-raising evening...

Friday, 20 November 2009

Leave Weekend (Evelyn House)

Wishing all Evelyn boarders a safe journey to home or host families. Enjoy the weekend after exam week.

We look forward to receiving you back on Sunday night with your batteries recharged!
In addition to last term's successful Ghost Walk, Halloween antics, strat of the climbing club with Robert and Bowling (see pic) we res grads have been busy again taking trips here and there this half term. Firstly we started with a bang, quite literally, with the fireworks party; which I personally hope will become an annual Bootham boarding event as it was so much fun for the children and grown-ups alike! Since then Lynn and I have taken an enthusastic group of Rowntree College girls late night shopping in town. We saw some lovely light displays, an ice angel, bought some interesting bits and bobs and most importantly had a dance in St Helen's square to the sounds of a brass band playing Christmas Carols (to the embarrassment of one or two!) Next up there will be a trip to see Twlight: New Moon, which has already proved to be a crowd pleaser :) and Robert Hudson is kindly taking some of the boys to see York City play!

That is all for now but we will keep you posted....


Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Talent, The Musical

Congratulations to Beth Brown, Charlotte Noon, Charlotte Levesley and of course to everyone involved in the musical last night. Those from Rowntree who went to support their fellow boarders were very complimentary about the excellent performance on the opening night. The Campbell family ( minus Murphy) and the Schoolroom girls will be there to offer our support this evening. Well done!

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

New addition to the Evelyn Family

Dominic McGregor is spending the week with us in Evelyn House. He has already been welcomed into the the house meetings. We wish him a lovely week!

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Benedict Tang - pizza king!!

Saturday in Fox again! This evening we made up a huge batch of pizza dough, and let people put on any toppings they could invent from a bag of goodies. End result? masses of hot, delicious freshly baked pizza, and all for considerably less than just one large pizza from a certain well-known delivery chain. I hope that the boys will remember than economy and quality can often go hand-in-hand when you cook for yourself...

Bonfire Night!

This Thursday we celebrated Bonfire night in true Bootham style. Events kicked off at 7.00pm in the school dining room with party games for the junior boarders, hosted by our ever-enthusiastic res-grad team. By the time I got to have a look in at 7.30, the rubble of cakes, glo-sticks and party detritus told its own story. Somewhere in the haze, the bedraggled shapes of shell-shocked res grads could be dimly seen, pale faced and ashen in the new dining room lights. By some miracle, the team rallied with astonishing elan and had the room absolutely ship-shape half an hour later. The res grads have my sincerest thanks for what must have been a truly herculean effort.

After this, the boarders trooped off to the new Fox house kitchen, where Kirit Gordhandas, Andy Bell and Elaine Phillips had a seasonal mix of barbequed sausages, toffee apples and hot chocolate ready for all. The French doors of the kitchen made it easy to cater for the entire boarding community, and once the landscaping for the Fox garden is finished, I hope to see many boarders' events here during the year. Kirit and his mobile barbeque system is an asset to the school that can only be appreciated when seen in action, and he already has repeat bookings in his diary.

Once refuelled, everyone moved down to the school pitch, where a crack team of fire-work specialists (Phillip Price, Robert Hudson and I) had been labouring all evening with barely concealed glee at the thought of letting off some promisingly enormous fireworks. There was a brief moment when it looked as if the portfires wouldn't light up, but we soon got past that and quickly had the sky over Bootham filled, if only briefly, with light, noise and excitement.

A fine evening that I hope will linger in the memories of the entire community. Please keep an eye on this post, as I will add 'photos as they are given to me. (MS)