Friday, 5 November 2010

BBQ & Fireworks at Bootham School

The annual Bootham Boarding BBQ and firework display stated off with the usual burgers and soup on the grass outside of Fox House. Russell Newlands was the burger flipper this year and with the assistance of Mike Shaw made sure that everyone was fed and watered.

Then it was off to the football pitch to watch the well organised and firework display which was choreographed by Mike Shaw and his able assistant Robert Hudson.

The assembled crowd went wild as the light and sound show progressed. A huge round of applause followed the end of the display.

Below are a selection of the pictures of the "awesome display" to quote Will McDonald of Upper Schoolroom.

Evelyn Birthday Party

As not everyone has their birthday in term time it was decided to hold a birthday party for everyone in Evelyn House on Thursday 4th November 2010.

The boarders wanted a jelly and ice-cream themed party with party bags; which they got.

Below are a few pictures from the night

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

October birthdays

We welcomed Annabel as a boarder on her birthday last month. As there are lots of October birthdays, the Schoolrooms went out for tea to celebrate them all. Happy birthday to Skye, Nicole, Holly and also to Fiona Dunlop!

Monday, 1 November 2010

Welcome to Boarding!

As the new half term opens, we are very pleased to say hello to a new Fox boarder. Current day student Angus Illingworth joins us from today, and we hope his time in the house will be a happy and productive one. Welcome aboard!

Sunday, 31 October 2010

Welome back and Halloween

After a week away from Evelyn House the students were welcomed back to a Halloween decorated house where an ordinary pumpkin
was transformed into a scary Halloween pumpkin.

Even the oldest resident of the house, W. A. Evelyn joined in the fun by dressing up.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Schoolroom Boaders visit to New Earswick Quaker Meeting

To mark the end of Quaker Week at Bootham the boarders went to one of two Quaker Meetings for worship.

The Seniors and College went to the Friargate Meeting whist the Schoolrooms went to the New Earswick Meeting.

The camera followed the Schoolrooms students and a record of their spiritual journey is below.

As we were early the park next to the meeting house was the only place to be.

"I love the swings and were we live there aren't any" was the comment as she swung herself higher

The meeting room where everyone met for worship.

After the meeting it was a biscuit and a glass of squash and a final opportunity to look at the displays and discuss the wonderful building

A good time was had by all and the the students were thanked for attending and everyone looked forward to another visit next year.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Evelyn House PS3 Guitar Hero & Pizza Night

Guitar Hero 3 on the PS3 was the order of the night at Evelyn on their projected screen.

College I and II boarders had gathered for the ultimate challenge, who was going to be declared Evelyn Guitar hero champion.

The first face off of the night was between Alfie and JJ.

At the request of the audience there was the face off between Phil and Kirit; Kirit turned out to be the one who should only listen to the music!

At half time their was pizza for all!
The winner was the evening, with several of the College girl boarders asking for a boys v girls challenge at Guitar Hero and Singstar.
That outcome of the battle of the sexes is a tale to be told on another night after the history has been written.

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Happy Birthday Jamie

This week Jamie Charlton celebrated his 18th birthday in Evelyn House. He celebrated it in style by going to the Red Chilli restaurant for a meal.

As always Riley tried to get in on the act.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Fox House go to the Cinema

Dude - Scott Pilgrim saves the World is just like, awesome. I totally get why the boys were like, so into this movie. It was way cooler than I ever imagined, with all like, games and stuff? The whole thing just rocked. It was the best ever.

Crikey - that sort of language takes a lot of effort. Still, it's nice to be in tune with the younger generation, and to be able to speak their dialect. And at least the director was British, even if he was working on appears to have been a foreign language film. Pizzas all round on our return seemed to add a certain cheer too.

 Here, few adventurous souls reenact their favourite bit

Sunday, 12 September 2010

First boarders meeting for worship

At 10am today Sunday September 12 2010 all boarders on site met in the main hall for worship. At the end of the meeting everyone made their way to the dining hall for the traditional Bootham Brunch.

Welcome to the New Res. Grad. Team

There is a new Res. Grad. team in Bootham and they are......

(From the left)

  • Dom Green
  • Vicky Forster
  • Meike Pentrel
  • Mark Burghagen
  • John Monks
  • Daniel Gustafsson
  • Fran Piddlesden (Super Grad!)

They have quickly settled into Bootham and have already got the boarders involved in various activities.

More to follow.......

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Life at Bootham goes on during England v Germany

Not everyone at Bootham School was engrossed in the what 22 men did on South African Soil!

The sun was shining and some chose to sit in the beautiful grounds of Bootham School and lose themselves in music, paining or books.

Skye Stockings and Res Grad, Lynn Finnegan sharing a set of ear phones to listen to music.

Holly Campbell painting a canvas in acrylic paint.

FIFA World Cup comes to Bootham School

The England v Germany football game came to the dining hall of Bootham School.

A projector was set up in the dining room and the game was streamed live from the BBC website.

Setting up to watch the England v Germany game
The boarding community was joined by day pupils who had returned from their DofE weekend.

Christoph Asselmeyen, Res Grad, joined the audience to support and cheer on his team - Germany.

The below pictures were taken at key moments during the game (untouched by Photoshop).

Germany Scores

Germany Scores a goal

England Scores

England scores a goal
At the end of the game everyone congratulates Christoph for his country's performance on the pitch.

Friday, 18 June 2010

Evelyn Open House BBQ

The boarders at Evelyn House wanted to show Bootham staff what happens in boarding at Evelyn House. A BBQ was planned for the evening of Thursday 17th June 2010.

The format was that food would be provided and whist the food was being cooked the boarders would show the visiting staff around the house.

A member of teaching and non-teaching staff attended the event and a good time was had by all.

Phil Price acted as the flipper for the evening and he certainly cooks excellent burgers and sausages!

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Happy Birthday Alan HO!

On Wednesday 16th June 2010 Alan Ho celebrated his 18th Birthday. He went out for a meal at an Italian Restaurant with a close group of his school friends.

The day before Sandy Gordhandas (Evelyn House Memsaab) baked him his favourite cake, a coffee cake, which was presented to him in his Pure Mathematics lesson by his teacher James Ratcliffe.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Fox House World Cup Barbecue

What was the world thinking? Warm dry weather, with a garden event planned? Surely some mistake? No matter. The new barbecue was bought and towed back from H***base on a skateboard with a bit of string and twenty kilos of charcoal. Quite a tricky journey, with several amusing opportunities to create traffic chaos on the way. A child-labour gang was quickly conscripted and force-marched to the excellent "Shambles Butchers". Here, delicious lamb and beef-burgers were piled up onto the trays of the helpless students, along with several yards of magnificent Boerworst - a South African delicacy made in the shop by the owner (who is South African). This proved to be amazingly good and was very well received by everyone later on.

Once back at Fox, a team of experts got onto matters, and quickly turned assorted metal components into a sturdy cooking device. Note the studied concentration, the calm confidence. These boys waste no time in DT... Nearly finished - a masterpiece of cooperation!

Meanwhile, those who know when to take a back seat wisely tackled the challenge of Gilbert's slack-band torture device. I wonder if you can guess what happened 0.001 seconds after this picture was taken?  

Clue: two of the large organisms in this picture remained standing - i.e. Gilbert and the tree.

It  took only three members of staff, four members of College two and a handful of junior boys to get the thing lit, and all in much less than one and a half hours! Then we were off - cheery flames sizzling into the summer sky as the first gasps of England vs USA came echoing from the common-room.

If you look carefully at the next picture, you can clearly make out Gilbert realising that his Mum will probably see that he's been drinking Dr Pepper's. Only if she looks at the blog Gilbert...

Great fun was had by all - and nothing makes the Fox garden seem more complete than the happy sounds of boys from all the year groups playing football together after the big match.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

The life of Riley....

A week in the life of Riley captured in pictures.......

Taking delivery of Riley.

Bathing Riley.

Riley the action dog.

Riley the lazy dog.

That was a week in Riley's life......