Friday, 5 November 2010

BBQ & Fireworks at Bootham School

The annual Bootham Boarding BBQ and firework display stated off with the usual burgers and soup on the grass outside of Fox House. Russell Newlands was the burger flipper this year and with the assistance of Mike Shaw made sure that everyone was fed and watered.

Then it was off to the football pitch to watch the well organised and firework display which was choreographed by Mike Shaw and his able assistant Robert Hudson.

The assembled crowd went wild as the light and sound show progressed. A huge round of applause followed the end of the display.

Below are a selection of the pictures of the "awesome display" to quote Will McDonald of Upper Schoolroom.

Evelyn Birthday Party

As not everyone has their birthday in term time it was decided to hold a birthday party for everyone in Evelyn House on Thursday 4th November 2010.

The boarders wanted a jelly and ice-cream themed party with party bags; which they got.

Below are a few pictures from the night

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

October birthdays

We welcomed Annabel as a boarder on her birthday last month. As there are lots of October birthdays, the Schoolrooms went out for tea to celebrate them all. Happy birthday to Skye, Nicole, Holly and also to Fiona Dunlop!

Monday, 1 November 2010

Welcome to Boarding!

As the new half term opens, we are very pleased to say hello to a new Fox boarder. Current day student Angus Illingworth joins us from today, and we hope his time in the house will be a happy and productive one. Welcome aboard!